Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Drugs, Drugs and More Drugs

Well, Monday's blood test showed my Estrogen level was down to 175 - the blood taker and I are becoming quite good mates now. I go back for another one on Thursday (and hopefully we can find the vein that doesn't take five minutes to fill half a tube!)

Today, I start taking Provera for ten days, to get my body back to normal (and make sure those little follicles have all done their thing and shrunk away). Then I start the contraceptive pill again after that, and then...back to the injections. Will not know dates for a while though, so in a wee holding pattern for a while.

On top of all that, I have managed to get an ear infection (which I never have before) and it is bugging me to the point that hubby and I are going to up to the emergency doctor after dinner. Hopefully he'll give me some really good drugs, because the way things are going, I can't hear out of my left ear. Or is that can't hear IN my left ear?

EAR INFECTION UPDATE - went up to the emergency doctor who said "have you had the flu lately?" He checked my ears and both are inflamed - so what I thought was a Gonal F side effect was actually really the flu which causes these ear inflammations! Sheesh. And I went to work every day no matter how bad I felt...hehe. So, nasal spray and antibiotics for a while.

Not much else to report - all my work girls and boys are away at conference - I stayed home as it was supposed to be egg retrieval week, and as my co worker is away in Greece. Sigh. I hope they are all enjoying themselves while I hold the fort. Really. I mean that with all my heart :-)

Just remember work folks - you may be off enjoying yourself now, but you'll have me on hormones to deal with again soon enough!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhhhh I just read the last few days worth... and having a little 'sad' on your behalf!

I also had a rum ball on your behalf.. it was nice - hope you enjoyed it remotely!

Hope you have cheered up some since last weeks set back, pull back, regroup, and go ahead stronger!

...and if it helps punch and kick Daniel a bit when you see him on the weekend! He he he!!


8:11 PM  
Blogger soralis said...

Sorry to hear about the ear infection :(. Why is that a majority of IF patients have lousey veins? :)

Wishing you all the best

5:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:37 PM  

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