Sunday, September 03, 2006

A finished project...

Well, almost...a few more plants to go in over the next few months! But this replaces a hideous low concrete fence with a bark covered, clay, strip garden. It was a pretty hard slog this weekend - three cubic metres of compost to move and contour, but it looks so pretty now it's finished.

It's nice to have things like this to do, and see completed. This particular project has probably been in progress for around six months - digging out the garden shape and all the crap clay soil, pulling out and smashing the concrete fence (with help from friends!), having the fence built and then painting it. And then finally, the chance to spend the garden vouchers I've been saving for the last two years. So, next weekend we fly to Perth for our holiday, and then back to see how the garden has grown since we've been away! Posted by Picasa


Blogger Mony said...

I have garden envy.
That looks pretty bloody awesome!
Have a great time in Perth! Wave to me as you fly over Sydney!!!!

9:26 PM  

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