Thursday, June 22, 2006

Nothing at all to report

I am getting frustrated. Developments over the last couple of days have shown how completely out of whack my system is right now, so we could start the next cycle as early as tomorrow, or as late as a month to six weeks away! Having your life ruled by a blood test result makes things interesting, to say the least. It's hard not to be down about it.

I am sure I will feel better tomorrow about all this, but today was tough. I think not knowing is the worse thing, the thing that makes all this so unknown and hard to bear.


Blogger ellie said...

I can relate to the frustration of it all. My body appears to ovulate with no eggs! Seems that all system are go and then we did u/s and discovered that while my body thought it was ovulating- and even tested positive for ovulating- it really wasn't. Just goes to show that sometimes our bodies just do their own thing- but it can be a bother having to wait for it to straighten out. I never use to think of a blood test as something I had to pass- I mean I can't even study for it!

I am sorry today was tough for you-take time out to play with katie if nothing else she will make you laugh a bit :)

2:50 AM  

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